@article{oai:jobu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000272, author = {神津, 朋子 and KOZU, Tomoko}, journal = {上武大学看護学部紀要. 2008, vol.4, p.1-16, Jobu Daigaku Kango Gakubu kiyo (Bulletin of Faculty of Nursing, Jobu University). 2008, vol.4, p.1-16}, month = {Dec}, note = {〔研究目的〕慢性呼吸不全については病状の進行を遅らせ、合併症の予防を行いながら、安定した生活が長く続くよう、患者を支援する必要がある。II型慢性呼吸不全患者においてはHOTとNPPVの併用した新しい治療法がある。本研究は療養者のNPPVの修得プロセスおよびそれに影響した要因、NPPV導入から現在までの生活体験を明らかにし、NPPV修得や継続に寄与するための支援の検討を行うことを目的とした。 〔研究方法〕HOTとNPPVを併用し生活する退院後約2ヶ月以上経過し、調査時点でNPPVの自己管理に問題のないケースとして担当医より推薦があった方のうち研究参加に同意の得られた4名を対象とし半構成的面接を実施した。分析は質的帰納的分析による。 〔結果および考察〕NPPVの修得プロセスは「多少トラブルを経験したが克服し修得できた」、「修得できないまま退院したが、トラブルを克服し修得できた」、「入院中から問題なく修得できた」、の3パターンを示した。療養者のNPPVの修得までの期間やプロセスは異なり、心的状態や習得状況をふまえた患者教育の必要性が示唆された。修得に影響をもたらす要因は、器機に関連した要因と心理に関連した要因に分けられた。修得プロセスと生活体験の分析から導かれた6領域《生活環境調整》、《器機との格闘》、《病気・治療法の受け止め》、《HOT関連》、《生活調整・管理面》、《安心・心配》を療養者の生活体験を把握するための指標とするとともに、サブカテゴリやコードには多様な生活体験が明らかになったことから、個別性を考慮した支援の必要性が示唆された。 Support for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) needs to ensure that their lives remain stable as long as possible by retarding the progression of disease and preventing complication. there is a new treatment for type II COPD patients, which uses HOT and NPPV. This study airms to clarify the process for patients' mastering the use of NPPV, factors affecting the mastering process, and their everyday-life experiences from the introduction of NPPV to date, and to discuss what support contributes to mastering and continuing the use fo NPPV. This study focused on four persons who used HOT and NPPV at home for more than two months after discharge from the hospital, were recommended by their doctor as a case in which they were successfully using NPPV themselves, and agreed to participate in my study. Study findings were analyzed by the qualitative inductive method. Concerning the process for mastering the use of NPPV, three patterns were found: "I could master though I had some trouble," "I left the hospital before I mastered, but later I could overcome trouble and master," and "I could master during the hospital stay without difficulty." How long it takes to master the use of NPPV and the mastering process are different among the persons I interviewed. The study results indicate the necessity of patient education in line with the mental conditions and the mastering process. Mastering the use of NPPV is affected by factors related to the equipment and the patient's psychology. It is needed to use the six key categories drawin from the analysis of the mastering process and the everyday-life experiences - "adjustment of the living environment," "struggle with the equipment,""acceptance of the disease and treatment,""HOT-related,""adjustment and management of everyday life," and "feeling of security and anxiety" - as indicators for graspint the everyday-life experiences of persons under medical treatment. Moreover, since various everyday-life experiences were found under subcategories and codes, support should be offered in consideration of individuality.}, pages = {1--16}, title = {在宅酸素療法と在宅非侵襲的陽圧換気療法を受ける慢性呼吸不全患者の生活体験}, volume = {4}, year = {2008}, yomi = {コウヅ, トモコ} }